Meet Matt Johnston
Meet Matt Johnston
A Coloradan though-and-through

Graduated from Western Colorado University
Matt played as a Defensive End at Western Colorado University. Pictured here is Matt among several teammates at his final game just before graduation.

Met His Future Wife & Best Buddy
Matt and Patricia met and dated for a while prior to marriage. Together with their best bud, Sonnie, they’d take hikes across Colorado like in this photo taken at Pikes Peak.

Mining Coal to Finish Grad School
Despite taking on student loans, Matt needed to work hard to pay for his Grad school tuition and fees. Never one to shy away from hard work to accomplish his goals, Matt worked as a coal miner to help get him through school.

Patricia Says Yes! They're Engaged
Realizing they were each other’s soulmates, it was only a matter of time for Matt and Patricia to tie the knot!

Graduate School at Gonzaga
With the support from Patricia and his community, Matt received his Masters Degree from Gonzaga University and became a professor.

Welcome Olivia to the World
After a critical surgical procedure and heartbreaking moments threatening to take her from us, Matt’s first daughter Olivia was born!

And Next Up, Maya!
And not too longer thereafter, Matt’s second daughter Maya was born!

And Now, the Family's Complete.
After tragically losing their best bud Sonnie, Matt and Patricia were able to adopt Sonnie’s half-sister and bring Luna into the family!

From here? We move forward. For them. For us. For Colorado.